How Redgate Flyway Can Boost Your DevOps Journey

A brief introduction to the tool and its advantages for database migrations

UntitledDevOps is a culture and a set of practices that aim to deliver software faster and more reliably, by breaking down the silos between development and operations teams. One of the key aspects of DevOps is continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), which automates the building, testing, and deploying of code changes. However, CI/CD often overlooks a crucial component of software development: the database.

Database migrations, or the changes to the database schema and data, are often done manually, or with scripts that are not version-controlled, tested, or integrated with the rest of the codebase. This can lead to errors, delays, and inconsistencies, as well as security and compliance risks. Moreover, database migrations can be complex and risky, especially when dealing with large or legacy databases, or when working with multiple environments and teams.

That’s where Redgate Flyway comes in. Flyway is a tool that simplifies and automates database migrations, by allowing you to define them as code, version them, and apply them across different environments. Flyway supports a wide range of databases, including SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more. Flyway also integrates with popular CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, Azure DevOps, GitHub Actions, and more.

Flyway comes in different editions: Community, Teams, and Enterprise. The capabilities vary between editions, with the Enterprise edition offering auto-generation of migration and undo scripts, drift detection, change reporting, and more.

How does Flyway work?

Flyway works by using migration scripts, which are SQL files that contain the commands to alter the database schema or data. You can write these scripts yourself or use Flyway’s baseline feature to generate them from an existing database. You can also use Flyway’s undo feature to revert a migration if something goes wrong.

Flyway keeps track of the migrations that have been applied to each database, by using a metadata table called flyway_schema_history. This table records the version, description, checksum, and status of each migration. Flyway uses this information to determine which migrations need to be applied, and in what order, when you run the flyway migrate command.

Flyway also supports repeatable migrations, which are scripts that run every time you migrate, and always in the same order. These are useful for things like views, functions, or stored procedures, that depend on the database state. Flyway also supports callbacks, which are scripts that run before or after a migration, or on certain events, such as errors or warnings. These are useful for things like logging, auditing, or notifications.

What are the benefits of using Flyway?

Using Flyway can provide several benefits for your DevOps initiatives, such as:

  • Improved quality and reliability: By defining your database migrations as code, you can apply the same standards and practices that you use for your application code, such as version control, testing, code review, and documentation. This can help you avoid errors, inconsistencies, and technical debt, and ensure that your database is always in sync with your application. Flyway Enterprise can also auto-generate migration and undo scripts for SQL Server, Postgres, Oracle, and MySQL. This removes an element of human error while also introducing standardization of scripts and higher team productivity into the deployment process.
  • Faster and safer deployments: By automating your database migrations, you can reduce the time and effort required to deploy them and eliminate the need for manual interventions or downtime. You can also integrate Flyway with your CI/CD pipeline and run your migrations as part of your build or release process. This can help you achieve faster feedback loops and deliver value to your customers more frequently and reliably.
  • Increased collaboration and visibility: By using Flyway, you can enable better communication and collaboration between your development and operations teams, as well as other stakeholders, such as database administrators, testers, or auditors. You can also use Flyway’s features, such as the info, validate, or history commands, to get more visibility and insight into the state and history of your database migrations.
  • Enhanced security and compliance: By using Flyway, you can ensure that your database migrations are done in a consistent and controlled manner and that they adhere to the security and compliance requirements of your organization. You can also use Flyway’s features, such as the repair, clean, or undo commands, to fix any issues or restore your database to a previous state, in case of a problem or an audit.

What are some use cases and ROI savings for using Flyway?

Flyway can be used for a variety of use cases and scenarios, such as:
Migrating from one database platform to another or upgrading to a newer version of the same platform.

  • Refactoring or modernizing your database schema or data, to improve performance, scalability, or maintainability.
  • Managing multiple database environments, such as development, testing, staging, or production, and ensuring that they are aligned and consistent.
  • Supporting multiple teams or projects, that work on different parts of the same database, or on different databases, and need to coordinate and synchronize their changes.
  • Integrating with other tools or services, such as source control, testing, monitoring, or reporting, to enhance your DevOps workflow and capabilities.

Using Flyway can also provide significant ROI savings for your organization, by:

  • Reducing the cost and complexity of database migrations, eliminating the need for manual work, custom scripts, or third-party tools.
  • Increasing the productivity and efficiency of your teams, by enabling them to focus on delivering value, rather than dealing with database issues.
  • Minimizing the risk and impact of database failures, by ensuring that your migrations are tested, verified, and reversible.
  • Boosting the satisfaction and loyalty of your customers, by delivering high-quality software, faster and more frequently.

What is data classification, and why is it important?

The benefits of data classification and the features of a tool like Microsoft Purview, a unified data governance service.

Data classification organizes data into categories based on its type, sensitivity, value, and usage. Data classification helps organizations at all levels to:

  • Protect sensitive and confidential data from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss.
  • Comply with data privacy and security regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA.
  • Improve data quality, accuracy, and consistency to increase reliability; enhance data analysis, reporting, and decision-making by making the data more accessible and easily understood.
  • Comply with data privacy and security regulations, such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA.
  • Optimize data storage, backup, and archiving strategies.
  • Improve data quality, accuracy, and consistency.
  • Enhance data analysis, reporting, and decision-making.

Data classification is not a one-time activity but a continuous process requiring regular monitoring and updating. However, data classification can be challenging, especially for large and complex data environments. Some of the common challenges I’ve ran into in the past are:

  • Lack of visibility and control over the data sources, locations, and flows.
  • Inconsistent or missing data labels, metadata, and tags.
  • Manual and time-consuming data classification processes.
  • Difficulty in enforcing data policies and standards across the organization.
  • High costs and risks of data breaches, fines, or reputational damage.

Data classification is also essential for dealing with large volumes of sensitive and regulated data, such as customer information, transaction records, credit scores, and financial statements. Data classification can help enterprise estates to:

  • Prevent data leaks, fraud, or identity theft that can harm customers and the institution’s reputation.
  • Meet the compliance requirements of various regulators, such as the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or the Federal Reserve.
  • Reduce data storage and management costs by identifying and deleting redundant, obsolete, or trivial data.
  • Improve the data quality and reliability by detecting and correcting errors, inconsistencies, or anomalies.
  • Provide relevant and accurate data to enhance data analysis and reporting capabilities, supporting business intelligence, risk management, and customer service.

How can Microsoft Purview help with data classification?

Microsoft Purview is a unified data governance service that can help organizations discover, catalog, classify, and manage their data assets across on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments. Microsoft Purview enables organizations to:

  • Automatically scan and catalog data sources, such as SQL Server, Azure Data Lake Storage, Azure Synapse Analytics, Power BI, and more.
  • Apply built-in or custom data classifications to identify and label sensitive or business-critical data.
  • Use a data map to visualize the data lineage, relationships, and dependencies.
  • Search and browse the data catalog using natural language queries or filters.
  • Access data insights and metrics, such as data quality, freshness, popularity, and compliance status.
  • Define and enforce data policies and standards across the organization.
  • Integrate with Azure Purview Data Catalog, Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Data Factory, and other Azure services to enable end-to-end data governance and analytics.

Data classification is a vital component of data governance and management. It helps organizations protect, optimize, and leverage their data assets. Tools like Microsoft Purview is a comprehensive data governance service that simplifies and automates data classification and other data governance tasks. With Microsoft Purview, organizations can gain more visibility, control, and value from their data.

How Can Data Empower Leaders

Using data effectively, leaders can make better decisions, drive innovation, and inspire trust.

What is leadership through data?

Leadership that utilizes data is the ability to use data as a strategic asset for achieving organizational goals. Data leaders are not necessarily data experts, but they understand the value and potential of data and can foster a data-driven culture within their teams and organizations. Data leaders use data to better inform their decisions, communicate their vision, and measure their impact. Leadership within data is not just about having access to data but about using it wisely, strategically, and ethically.

Why is data leadership important?

Leadership in data is necessary because data is everywhere and is constantly growing. Data can provide insights into customer behavior, market trends, operational efficiency, and drive a data-driven culture. Data can also help leaders identify opportunities, solve problems, and innovate for the future. Helping leaders gain a competitive edge, improve performance, and increase customer satisfaction. Finally, leadership within data can also help leaders build trust, transparency, and accountability with their stakeholders and foster a culture of learning and collaboration. Taking data and its quality to the next level will help drive any company’s strategic priorities and critical initiatives.

How can leaders use data effectively?

Leaders can use data effectively by following some best practices, such as (but not limited to):

  • Define clear and relevant goals and metrics. Leaders should know what they want to achieve and how they will measure their progress and success. Leaders should also align their data and organizational goals and communicate them clearly and concisely to their teams and stakeholders. Extreme Ownership.
  • Collect and analyze data from multiple sources and perspectives. Leaders should not rely on a single source or type of data but seek to gather and integrate data from different sources. They should also consider different perspectives that may affect the data and use appropriate methods and tools to analyze and visualize it.
  • Share and act on data insights. Leaders should not keep data to themselves but share it with their teams and stakeholders and solicit feedback and input. They should also use data to inform their actions and test and refine their methods. They should also monitor and evaluate the outcomes and impacts of their data-driven decisions and learn from their successes and failures.

The Wrap Up

Leadership with data is a vital skill for leaders in today’s world. Using data effectively, leaders can make better decisions, inspire trust, and drive innovation. Data leadership is not about being a data expert but a data-savvy leader who can leverage data as a strategic asset for achieving organizational goals can be a gamechanger.

How Redgate’s Test Data Manager Can Enhance Automated Testing

A brief overview of the benefits and challenges of automated testing and how Redgate’s Test Data Manager can help.

Automated testing uses software tools to execute predefined tests on a software application, system, or platform. Automated testing can help developers and testers verify their products’ functionality, performance, security, and usability and identify and fix bugs faster and more efficiently. Automated testing can reduce manual testing costs and time, improve software quality and reliability, and enable continuous integration and delivery.

However, automated testing is not a silver bullet that can solve all software development problems. Automated testing also has some limitations and challenges, such as:

  • It requires a significant upfront investment in developing, maintaining, and updating the test scripts and tools.
  • It cannot replace human judgment and creativity in finding and exploring complex or unexpected scenarios.
  • It may not cover all the possible test and edge cases, especially for dynamic and interactive applications.
  • It may generate false positives or negatives, depending on the quality and accuracy of the test scripts and tools.

One of the critical challenges of automated testing is to ensure that the test data used for the test scripts are realistic, relevant, and reliable. Test data are the inputs and outputs of the test scripts, and they can significantly impact the outcome and validity of the test results. Test data can be sourced from various sources, such as production, synthetic, or test data generators. However, each source has advantages and disadvantages, and none can guarantee the optimal quality and quantity of test data for every test scenario.

That’s why Redgate Test Data Manager from Redgate is a valuable tool for automated testing. Test Data Manager is a software solution that helps developers and testers create, manage, and provision test data for automated testing. Test Data Manager can help to:

  • Create realistic and relevant test data based on the application’s data model and business rules.
  • Manage and update test data across different environments and platforms.
  • Provision test data on demand, in the proper format and size, for the test scripts.
  • Protect sensitive and confidential data by masking or anonymizing them.
  • Optimize test data usage and storage by deleting or archiving obsolete or redundant data.

By using TDM, developers and testers can enhance the quality and efficiency of automated testing, as well as the security and compliance of test data. TDM can help reduce the risk of test failures, errors, and delays and increase confidence and trust in the test results. TDM can also help save time and money by reducing the dependency on manual processes and interventions and maximizing the reuse and value of test data.

Automated testing is an essential and beneficial practice for software development, but it has some challenges and limitations. Test data management is one of the critical factors that can influence the success and effectiveness of automated testing. Using a tool like TDM from Redgate, developers and testers can create, manage, and provision test data for automated testing more efficiently, reliably, and securely.

PASS Data Summit 2023 KeyNote 2

Morning from the PASS Data Summit!

I will be live blogging the event again today, so check back for announcements and releases throughout the keynote.

Today, we will dive into The New Database Landscape – Revealing Shifts and Charting the Next Horizon.

As database environments and their demands on database professionals continue to diversify, you and your organization face various challenges – some fresh and some familiar. Join David Gummer, Ryan Booz, Stephanie Herr, and Tushita Gupta from Redgate as they share perspectives on navigating this shifting domain. From personal journeys between database platforms to insights from Redgate’s customer base and a preview of the findings from our 2024 State of the Database Landscape report, in this session, you’ll hear a variety of viewpoints about the evolving world of databases. Find out how Redgate is responding to these developments in the industry and how we continue to support the community and our customers through these changes, together with the launch of new solutions that will help you meet the requirements heading your way. You’ll leave with new insights into how you and database professionals everywhere can thrive in a cross-database landscape and how Redgate can support your journey.


…and we are off on Day 2 for the Pass Data Summit…

Ryan Booz talking about community and welcoming the Postgres community.

Tushita Gupta takes the stage. Tushita is the Head of Product Design at Redgate.

Sharing insights from the state of the database landscape report. Hearing from over 4000 participants.

A live survey on how many database platforms is our organization using…..

44% Differing needs /use cases for each platform.

35% have increased complexity and 30% are facing skill diversification.

If you don’t offer a centralized solution for monitoring for all types of databases, then people won’t use it.

“Cost based optimizations are now a large part of our DBAs evolving role”

Automation is key which includes automated testing.

60% utlize raw production data for testing based on survey results. Wow

“The ability to create the test database for what you need it to be – volume and type of data, would be really great”

MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL being tied in with RedGate products to help anywhere and engaging the community to get the most value.

SQL Prompt with AI – – ummmm what?

Release of Test Data Management being released by RedGate

Stephanie Herr takes the stage to talk about Test Data Management

Releasing of Test Data Management provides a great single pane which is becoming a marquee for the RedGate Products.

SQL Monitor will be extended to MySQL and Oracle.

AI and Machine learning is a huge opportunity and investing in Prompt + but there is much more to come across more of the technology suite

PASS Data Summit 2023 KeyNote 1

Morning from the PASS Data Summit!

I will be live blogging the event today, so check back for announcements and releases throughout the keynote.

Today, we have Shireesh Thota, Vice President for Azure Databases. He will discuss The mission of Azure Data: to help customers build a new class of data-first applications and drive a data culture where every employee can make better data-based decisions. Shireesh leads product management, engineering, and cloud operations for Azure databases. The products in his team’s portfolio include Azure SQL Database (on-prem, Hybrid, and Cloud), Azure Cosmos DB, Azure PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Previously, as the Senior Vice President at SingleStore, Shireesh was responsible for the company’s end-to-end engineering and product vision. Before moving to SingleStore, Shireesh was a founding member of Cosmos DB, where he architected, designed, and directly contributed to multiple critical pieces of the services. Shireesh has 15+ years of experience on large-scale, big data, scale-out, relational, and schema-agnostic distributed systems across SQL, Cosmos DB, and PostgreSQL/Citus.


….and we are off CEO Jakub Lamik at RedGate kicking it off for us with a welcome

“2023 PASS Summit is back and better than ever with peers from over 44 countries”

“5 tracks, 232 sessions, and 231 speakers.”

“43% first time attendees this year”

Shireesh Thota getting ready to take the stage…

Azure Databases are on tap as we talk about Limitless growth, limitless opprotunities: Data and innovation in an AI world.

“Limitless scale, flexible tools, buil-in AI, Performance, Gauranteed. These Azure databases could help with limitless growth.”

“Azure Data Community has 155k members, 172+ user groups, in 44 countries”

“SQL Server is turning 30 years”

Assad Kahn takes the stage to talk about SQL from edge to cloud. “Last year we annnouned SQL Server 2022 from PASS Summit.”

“SQL Server 2022 is teh fastest adopted version of SQL Server.”

Announcing a new monitoring feature for Arc. Monitoring for SQL Server which is in Preview, Enhanced HA/DR managment which is in Preview, Extended Security Updates as a Service in GA

Azure SQL Managed Instance feature wave – Generally Available

Azure SQL Managed instance free offer – in previw (will be available soon) 12 months of free managed instance.

Cloud Modernization Journey (Evaluate, Optimize, Migrate, and Modernize).

Intelligent applications that include AI features….oh boy let’s buckle up.

500 million new apps will be built in the next 5 years.

CoPilots will be used significantly over the next several years.

“Azure SQL Database is fast, flexible, secure modern app development for workloads big or small. Can help deliver AI-ready apps faster, build applications that grow with you, and keep your data secure and available”

Azure SQL Database Hypserscale will be same price as commercial OSS databases – General Available mid December

Bob Ward and Conor Cunningham taking the stage.

Azure Cosmos DB for AI apps.

Dynamic scaling per partition and per region – Public Preview

Azure database for PostgreSQL – premium SSD v2 – public preview, Near Zero Downtime Scaling – generally available, IOPs Scaling – public preview.

Azure Database for MySQL – Performance enhancement with Accelerated Logs – Public Preview

Bob Ward and Anna Hoffman take the stage to go through CoPilot for SQL Server.

“Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore – Generally Available, Vector Search in Azure Cosmos DB for MongoDB vCore – Generally Available, and Natural language queries for Azure Cosmos DB – Public Preview.”

“Azure Database for PostgreSQL Extension for Azure AI – Preview”

Database of the future – autonomous and intelligent, developer friendly, cost efficient, and mission critical by default.

PASS Data Summit 2023

Appreciate everyone who has reached out asking if I would be attending the PASS Data Summit out in Seattle this year. Yes, I will be, and I am looking forward to speaking at a couple of sessions:

  • Professional Power Hour: Journey to Management – Joining Kellyn Gorman for this one, where we talk about our experiences regarding successes and hard-earned lessons along the way. You can find this session over in the Community Zone on November 15th.
  • The Ten Habits of Highly Successful Compliant Database DevOps – I look forward to joining Stephanie Herr and David Ong for this fun-filled session. Database DevOps has come of age. As a critical technical practice that can contribute to the successful implementation of DevOps, it stops the database from being a bottleneck and makes releases faster and easier. The automation and audit trails it introduces can help to protect personal data within databases and make compliance part of the same process rather than an additional step outside it. But to implement it successfully, there are 10 areas that teams should focus on. In this session, we will discuss the truth about what happens when you introduce the people element into the mix. Once you’ve dealt with the complexities of human behavior, what are the critical processes you need to consider? And finally, what tools can be used to help achieve compliant, automated, monitored workflows?

In addition to attending and speaking, I’ll be one of the live bloggers for the keynotes happening over three days, so stay tuned next week for some massive updates:

  • Limitless growth, limitless opportunities: Data and innovation in an AI world – Join Microsoft’s new Vice President for Azure Databases, Shireesh Thota, and his friends from the Microsoft engineering team as they demonstrate new features and capabilities across the database portfolio, including the latest in AI technology. Learn how to unlock your application and analytics potential with the performance and scale that only comes from Azure. We’ll see examples from customers innovating with data developing AI-ready applications built upon trusted relational and non-relational Azure databases.
  • New Database Landscape – Revealing Shifts and Charting the Next Horizon – As database environments and their demands on database professionals continue to diversify, you and your organization face various challenges – some fresh and some familiar. Join David Gummer, Ryan Booz, Stephanie Herr, and Tushita Gupta from Redgate as they share perspectives on navigating this shifting domain. From personal journeys between database platforms to insights from Redgate’s customer base and a preview of the findings from our 2024 State of the Database Landscape report, in this session, you’ll hear a variety of viewpoints about the evolving world of databases. Find out how Redgate is responding to these developments in the industry and how we continue to support the community and our customers through these changes, together with the launch of new solutions that will help you meet the requirements heading your way. You’ll leave with new insights into how you and database professionals everywhere can thrive in a cross-database landscape and how Redgate can support your journey.
  • AIOps and ChatGPT: Prepare to Ride the Next Wave – As organizations continue to face unprecedented data and complexity in their IT operations, the need for advanced analytics and automation has never been more critical. This is where AIOps comes in, leveraging AI and machine learning to analyze large volumes of data, identify patterns, and automate remediation of issues. But what if you could take it a step further, combining the power of AIOps with the conversational capabilities of Chatbots? By leveraging AIOps and ChatGPT, data professionals can streamline their work and become more efficient while gaining valuable insights and analytics that can help drive business growth. Join us as we explore the latest developments in the field and look at the benefits and challenges of incorporating them into your AI and ITOps strategy! The keynote will explore real-world use cases of AIOps and Chatbots, showcasing how organizations already use this technology to transform their IT operations. Ultimately, we aim to empower data professionals to embrace change and leverage the latest technology, positioning themselves and their organizations for success in the digital age.

Look forward to connecting with everyone; buckle up for an epic week of learning.

Is Cataloging Your Data Important?

Data continues to be the lifeline for companies across the globe. As maturity levels continue to grow across companies, one aspect that sometimes needs to be checked is cataloging your data. You can think of this practice as metadata management for data sets.

Insights into one’s data is a substantial competitive edge for any company, whether stored in a data warehouse, data lake, or some other repository that allows teams such as Business Intelligence, Reporting and Analytics, and business consumers to make decisions based on said data.

We could go into a whole different segment on data quality. However, one of many reasons for cataloging data would be to help data professionals from exerting time expenditure on gathering and cleaning the data.

Several tools out there can be of use; I will only go into some of them, but one that I have consistently fallen back on is the Azure Data Catalog functionality Microsoft has produced. Some of the core benefits are:

  1. Integration into existing tools and processes with open rest API’s.
  2. Spending less time looking for the data, and more time getting value from it.
  3. Comprehensive security and compliance are built in.

Introduction to Azure Data Catalog | Microsoft Learn

As you look for continued ways to help cut wasteful spending, ensure consistent data quality, secure, and make your data compliant with ongoing regulations, it would behoove you to look at the Azure Data Catalog.

Your data availability depends on how far you can go as a data-driven company.

Continuing on the Journey of Azure Synapse Analytics

Azure Synapse Analytics has always enamored me. With its analytics service capabilities bridging the gap between enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics, it provides the end users much freedom to query their data.

One of the newer features that came out recently was the Cosmos DB synapse link to Azure Data Explorer. Having a big data analytics platform with near-real response times has constantly been engaging and diving more into the world of the Cosmos DB functionality. Within engineering and strategy, combining components such as geospatial and unstructured data; can be a game changer for most.

For those not keen on diving into the Azure Analytics space, Microsoft offers a rolling monthly update with all the latest and greatest features the team and platform are pushing out. Some of the go-to resources I have to be helpful are:

Azure Synapse Analytics Blog – Microsoft Community Hub

Azure Synapse Monthly (Updates) Blog

Getting started with Azure Synapse Analytics – Guy in a Cube

If you are into the data space, check out the evolution of Azure Synapse and what offerings and impact it could have for your industries.

#PASSDataSummit – Keynote 2 Live Blogging

Happy to be chosen to live blog the keynote events out at the PASSDataSummit in Seattle, Washington this week. This page will be updated through the Keynotes, all you have to do is hit refresh to view live updates as we go…….

These are challenging times for every business everywhere. So how can you ensure you get the most from your investment in IT, to meet your needs now, while also preparing you for an uncertain future? Join Jakub Lamik, Steve Jones, and Kathi Kellenberger in this keynote which looks at how the world is changing for data professionals, and the areas to focus on which will bring the best return on your investment in the long term.


And we are off…starting off with a show of first-time attendees to the PASS Data Community Summit; providing some recaps of Day 1’s Keynote.

Steve Jones took the stage and is going back in time to talk about the history of the conference.

“Paying it forward on what I’ve learned”. Community and bringing people together. “Truly are a #sqlfamily”

1999 – 1200 people attended; 2019 – roughly 4000 people attended. A bigger conference that has grown through the years.

“RedGate is more than just software; RedGate is the kind of company that I would want to build. They believe in the community”

Something magical about this place….people coming together to learn…

Jakub Lamik, CEO of RedGate, now takes the stage…

“Why RedGate? Database professionals answer important questions about our world. You help us to solve complex problems.”

“Every business is a software business” quote by Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft. “every one of these businesses now is going to become a software business, where you’re going to reason about all this data”

78% have two or more database systems.

“Multi-database environments are here to stay, and complexity is growing.” – Steve Jones

David Bick head of product management is taking the stage.

Flyway product supports over 25+ databases. We see some most used are PostgreSQL, SQL Server, Snowflake, etc.

Flyway latest version is 9.8.1 with over 121 contributors.

Flyway Enterprise has been redeveloped giving a rich environment of source control, CI, and Release Management.

“Cloud requires and enables collaboration”

Arneh Eskandari the Solutions Engineer Manager now takes the stage to talk about Cloud adoption for databases.

377 speakers at this year’s Pass Data Community Summit